Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Attraction: The question "why?"

It is often said and proven that good ladies are attracted to and end up with bad guys, and good guys also get attracted to and end up with bad girls. This has raised the question of ‘why’ in the mind of many.
This has raised the question of ‘why’ in the mind of many.
This has raised the question of ‘why’ in the mind of many.

Some said it is because the bad ones are always spontaneous and lively to be with, while some said it has to do with the law of attraction (opposite attracts). I believe that there are also good ones that are very spontaneous, jovial and lively. Well, for some, you might not know unless you engage them. Also, the law of attraction does not operate in a relationship. If you are good, you will definitely dislike a bad person; if you are wise, you will dislike a foolish person… that is why it is said, “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”. This is because when it comes to a relationship, you get attracted to people of your own kind or similar to your own kind; your friend/spouse/partner is an extension of YOU.

You get attracted to people of your own kind or similar to your own kind.
You get attracted to people of your own kind or similar to your own kind.
I think the major issue here is that people always think that a good person is also intelligent; people expect that the good ladies/ guys ought to pick the right choice, so they get shocked when the opposite is seen. The truth is that there is no correlation between ‘good’ and ‘intelligent’. You could be good and lack intelligence. It takes intelligence to define what you really want, go for what you want, know what you got, and process what you got to confirm if it tallies with what you really want. The fact that you are good does not mean you are intelligent.
The fact that you are good does not mean you are intelligent.
The fact that you are good does not mean you are intelligent.

Being good is not enough! Lack of intelligence is the major reason why these good ladies/ guys are attracted to bad ones and always suffer at the hands of the bad ones. In terms of attraction, the truth is that the good ones who are attracted to bad ones, have a craving for bad things, but tends to suppress it, and restrict themselves from carrying out the bad actions because of what people will say about them, as people already have taken them to be good. So in the real sense, they are not really good as they present themselves to be good.
Being Good is not Enough! Be intelligent.
Being Good is not Enough! Be intelligent.

No good and intelligent lady or guy will ever date a bad person except in the case where the bad ones disguised to be a good one and they also failed to thoroughly evaluate the person’s character and their relationship as well. A good and intelligent guy or lady will always get attracted to someone of his/her own kind or similar to his/her Kind but never the opposite.

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